28 May 2010

Ving Tsun

I designed a business card for my friend David, a private Wing Chun instructor.

23 May 2010


Alice at VINI turned me on to Kickstarter.com today. It's a funding platform for independent creative projects. Basically, you submit a proposal for a project you need money for, set a funding goal, and site visitors can become "backers" and pledge donations to your project via Amazon. If you reach your funding goal within the time limit (between 1 and 90 days), you get 95% of the money pledged; if you don't, you get nothing and none of your backers are charged. It's still in beta, but I they're accepting proposals. I think I'll be putting something together soon.


Reading With Pictures is a project looking to get comics into schools via one big compiled textbook. They made over $4,000 over their $10,000 funding goal.

Fresher than Fresh is Kansas' first all natural snowcone stand. They're raising funds to renovate their snow cone trailer.

Almost Super is the third book by Matthew Buckley. He's more than halfway to his $5,500 goal to pay for self-publishing. He's giving away first edition prints at the ridiculously cheap price of one per $10 pledge. His first chapter is available for download as a PDF. I'm in the process of reading it now: it's smart and quirky.

10 May 2010

Conjoined Twins Woodblock Print

I printed my conjoined twins woodblock print. The color/texture is a digital print on Somerset Soft White.

07 May 2010

Tarot Cards


Well, I finished the 4 suits. There are still trump cards to illustrate. But I completed what I needed to for the assignment (a deck of 52 cards), and this makes 56 out of 78 cards in a tarot deck.

You can find them here on my gallery: http://laurenrae.carbonmade.com

05 May 2010

Skull Papercraft

I finished my skull papercraft. There are still some revisions to be made, but this is the first successful print & assemblage.

This is one of my tarot card illustrations that I decided to three dimensionalize:

& assembled: