30 March 2011
Webcomic Review: 69 Love Songs
69 Love Songs Illustrated is not necessarily a webcomic, but it caught my interest. It's the product of a group of about 30 or so London illustrators who, over Twitter, decided to bond together in mutual admiration of the Magnetic Fields and attempt to illustrate all 69 of the band's love songs. Each submission is different, ranging from short comics to collages.

comics 4,
webcomic reviews,
23 March 2011
Webcomic Review: Blue
Webcomic Review: Muktuk Wolfsbreath, Hard Boiled Shaman
09 March 2011
Webcomic Review: Gingerbread Girl
The Gingerbread Girl is on the Top Shelf Comix website as part of their TS2.0. It's updated in three page posts and follows a girl who believes her father removed the part of her brain that registers physical and emotional feelings, which she calls her gingerbread girl. All of the characters, including a pigeon, talk to the camera to help introduce backstory and move the story along.

Webcomics Review: Lackadaisy
Lackadaisy is a webcomic by Tracy J. Butler, who says "It's about a gang of tenacious (if not shady) characters running a St. Louis speakeasy in the era of Prohibition. I suppose it falls somewhere in the realm of historical fiction, parody, dark comedy, and abject nonsense." Oh, and they're cats, and it's really nicely done.

Also, Tracy put together this nice looking and informative tutorial on facial expressions that anyone drawing comics could benefit from.

Also, Tracy put together this nice looking and informative tutorial on facial expressions that anyone drawing comics could benefit from.

Webcomic Review: Scott McCloud
Scott McCloud, whose name should be very familiar to illustration students, wrote a serial webcomic about a mathematics major who discovers a link between personally compatible women and the similarity of their phone numbers. The full story is on his website in an interesting format--each panel displays alone, with the next one buried in the current panel's center. The reader clicks through as each panel expands to fullscreen. I like the idea of displaying a finished story arc in an interactive way like this. Also, like stacking panels to be scrolled down and read, it helps in timing and surprise, since you can't accidentally skip ahead visually and ruin something.

02 March 2011
Webcomic Review: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
SMBC is one of those webcomics with recurring characters and themes, but usually different characters every time. Sometimes the comics involve characters from comic books or pop culture, but unlike a lot of webcomics that focus on the DC & Marvel universes, the references aren't usually over my head, like the one below.

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