17 January 2008

I do love it when my horoscope tells me to take a break and have a relaxing time with friends.

Over the past month or so, I've been meeting with members of Rhodes' CODA (Center for Outreach in the Development of the Arts) to plan out a community-wide Student Advocates for the Arts organization. I'll be founding the Memphis College of Art chapter with my roommate Brenna and close friend Kelly Seagraves. Katherine Gentsch & Lauren Kennedy are establishing one at Rhodes, and we'll be out at the U of M booth fair next Friday luring in pro-active Memphis students to complete the holy trinity. Hopefully, if all goes well, we'll have a small meeting space/office at First Congo, and be able to meet with a larger group. I know that one of my weaknesses is signing up for more and more work that I will probably regret in some stress-induced homicide later on in the semester, but I can't help that I'm so interested in so many things! I love to write, lead, curate, deliberate, debate, create, and challenge myself. (Thus comes Rozelle Artists Guild, Black & White, Student Alliance, Brode Gallery, & now SAA) But I think this particular endeavor will not end up squashing my shoulders with burden, as I'm not putting myself in a position to receive the full brunt of the responsibilities. I've got a small but reliable & responsible group to work with.

Other than that, I put together this little overview of my works this week. I love this portfolio site, it's easy and looks clean. Check it out: laurenrae.carbonmade.com

Shea and I started a checking account for Rozelle, to avoid being robbed again, and I set up our paypal this week; even added a Donate button to our myspace (myspace.com/wearememphis). The warehouse is clean and heat-proofed, and I think it'll look damn good by our next show. Which by the way, you ought to attend:

That's all, folks!

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