01 February 2009

Four AM

So, apparently, according to the television, anyone awake past 1AM must have the need for a new mattress, sleep aids, penis enlargement, phone sex hotlines, debt relief, or weight loss drugs. Just because I'm up late, I have to be lonely, fat, broke, or suffering from insomnia?


Billy Welch said...

It's all true!

Derrick Dent said...

The answer to your question, Lauren, is yes. I'm sorry. Late night advertising swoops after that poor demographic like a hawk on a wounded rabbit in an open field.

Lauren Rae Holtermann said...

I used to just think it was hilarious, then, they became a way of telling time in a clockless house, and now, I just think of that scene in Fight Club where Ed Norton is staring at the television with a glazed over gaze and pulls out the cordless phone as soon a phone number pops up... like a zombie... like a.. zombie with.. knowledge of phones.. & stuff..

Marie said...

Maybe there are some male citizens with night jobs, no missus, and then they arrive home unhappy with their small geniltailia.

Whats that? Penis enlargement? And you can get a six pack in just ten minutes a week! Hot damn!!!